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Luciferase Reporter Cell Lines for Monitoring
TF Transactivation
Our Luciferase Reporter Stable cell lines are genetically engineered to express luciferase during the activation of specific TFs Binding and Activation to provide an efficient approach to study and monitor various cellular processes, including gene regulation and signaling pathways.
We offer a wide selection of validated Firefly luciferase reporter cell lines that measure transcription factor activity as a read-out for various signaling pathways.
We also offer Gaussia luciferase reporter cell lines, a special type of luciferase that is naturally secreted from cells, which allows for the easy measurement of reporter activity directly in the media without any need to harvest the cells.
TF luciferase reporter stable cell line utilizes a specially engineered promoter constructs to drive luciferase expression. The promoter region consists of multiple repeats of a cis-element TF binding site, a DNA fragment from the promoter region of a known TF-targeted gene, or a DNA fragment containing putative or known TF binding sites. TF activation can occur through various mechanisms, such as extracellular stimuli or intracellular signaling pathways. Upon activation, the TF translocates to the nucleus, often interacting with relevant co-factors to promote luciferase gene expression. The resulting luciferase activity produces light in an enzymatic assay, with the intensity of the light directly correlating to the level of TF activation.
We offer two luciferase reporter systems: Firefly Luciferase and Gaussia Luciferase. Firefly luciferase is a widely used, reliable system that generates a bright, stable signal for gene expression detection. Gaussia luciferase, derived from Gaussia princeps, is a second-generation reporter that is secreted into the culture medium, eliminating the need for cell lysis. This enables non-invasive, continuous monitoring of TF activity while providing higher sensitivity and stability compared to Firefly or Renilla luciferases.

High Sensitivity and Responsiveness
Each cell line is validated to induce a strong reporter signal in response to stimuli, and is highly responsive to our Firefly Luciferase Substrate.
Mycoplasma Free
All cell lines have been tested negative for mycoplasma.
The TF reporter construct is stably integrated into the genome to avoid cell-to-cell variations in experiments.
We offer cost-effective yet highly sensitive Luciferase Substrates for both Firefly and Gaussia luciferases.
Cell lines can be used right away for experiments to study different signaling pathways.
Signaling Pathways
Cell Lines