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ROX Reference Dye is commonly used in Real-Time PCR amplification instruments such as ABI and Stratagene to adjust the differences between PCR tubes caused by PCR loading errors. Different instruments require different concentrations of ROX Reference Dye. Our company provides two concentrations of ROX Reference Dye storage solutions, suitable for different instrument models. Users can choose the appropriate product based on their instrument model.


Product Name: ROX Reference Dye (High)

  • Product Number:ROXH-50μL, ROXH-200μL, ROXH-1mL
  • Amount: Available in 50 μL, 200 μL, and 1 mL quantities
  • Recommended Concentration: Initially 25 μmol/L, and then diluted to 500 nmol/L
  • Final Concentration: Ideally between 300-500 nmol/L


Storage Conditions: Store at -20°C for two years; transport at ≤0°C. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.


Please see manual for more information.

ROX Reference Dye (High)


* For large quantity order volume or customization of 10, 20, 30, 100, or 300+, please contact us for a special rate below.

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