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Nuclear factor-kB (NF?B) is a transcription factor that controls the expression of genes involved in immune responses, apoptosis, and cell cycle. NF?B can be activated by a variety of stimuli, including cytokines, T and B cell mitogens, viral proteins, and stress inducers. The stimulation leads to phosphorylation of its inhibitor I?B, which releases NF-?B from IkB complex. After dissociation, NF?B translocates from the cytoplasm into the nucleus, where it binds to its target DNA elements and positively regulates the transcription of its target genes. Monitoring the activity of NF?B is crucial to the studies of the mechanism underlying NF?B activation and its associated pathway. Signosis' NFkB filter plate assay  allows monitoring of NFkB activity in a high throughput manner. This kit can detect NFkB activity in mammalian samples including human, rat, and mouse samples. Meanwhile, the assay can be set up for a few samples with less tedious than non-radioactive gel shift assay or much safer than 32P based gel shift assay.

NFκB Filter Plate Assay

SKU: FA-0001

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