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Transforming growth factor beta isoforms, TGFβ1, TGFβ2, and TGFβ3 play an important role in tissue homeostasis as wells as embryogenesis. Although these three isoforms share similar amino acid sequence and have similar bioactivities in vitro, they behave distinctly in vivo. Knock-out studies have shown that TGFβ1 is responsible for angiogenesis while TGFβ2 is needed for organ developments and TGFβ3 is necessary for normal palate development. In tumorigenesis, three isoforms can be observed to be regulated differently, for example, TGFβ1 is up-regulated at 3-8 fold while TGFβ3 is down-regulated at 2-3 fold in mammary gland tumor cells. Signosis' TGF-beta Family ELISA Plate Array can simultaneously analyze three TGFβ isomers. Each well is coated with a specific capture antibody to detect corresponding cytokine in the sample. The expression levels of these cytokines can be quantitatively compared between samples.


Detection Range:
    10 - 2000 pg/mL

    5 - 10 pg/mL

Human TGF-beta 1 and 3 ELISA Plate Array (Colorimetric)

SKU: EA-1781

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